Things just weren’t the same in the field anymore. Daisy had often scoffed at the expression “the grass is always greener on the other side”, but in this instance she hoped it was true.
The grass in her field just didn’t seem as sweet as it used to, and in fact it hadn’t done for some time. Things had gone rapidly downhill for her recently, and it was time to head for fresh pastures so the worked tirelessly to make and sell milk to move to the other side she worked day and night then she had enough money to go to the other side.
She said her goodbyes and got on a truck to the other side she was put in a fenced area with sweet grass she was happy all the grass in the world she made friends then one day her friends disappeared one by one then Jeff yelled from outside the fenced area run daisy run!! daisy ran like no cow has run before she jumped the fence and ran home now she is happy with the grass and she will never take it for granted again.

I chose this peace because it was on poggle 365.
I found it easy because i had a sentence starter thanks to poggle 365.
My next step is to use a variety of punctuation in my writing.
Pobble does give some great sentence starters for your writing and you have run with this one well. You have used some good punctuation, but you are right, there are a few missing. Can you find them?